General information
Scientific Program
Call for abstracts

Conférence NDIP2011 :  Nouveaux Développements En Photodétection

Elsevier-NIM-A Best Young Scientist Prize:

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The conference will be held on July 4-8, 2011, in Lyon, France.


The conference Science Program will focus on the latest and most innovative developments in photodetection performed around the world in the fields of Nuclear Physics, High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology as well as Biologogy, Medecine and Industrial Applications.
Recent developments on detectors innovations and technologies together with system and associated electronics for PMTs, solid state, gaseous hybrid photo detectors and emerging technologies for photon detection from the far IR up to the high energy gamma rays will be emphasized.
The conference place will be a wonderful forum to welcome industrial partners to share with our attendees, their most recent commercially available devices or associated instrumentation.
Please note down this event on your agenda and inform your colleagues and your community about this event.

Useful informations
Previous Conf.

Webmaster : C. Bourge